M-I am a master at this game

OOC here!

He looked at the owl again and thought about its weird name. He wondered how Rio came up with the name Acciai for the owl. And he also wondered where New Dawn was. "Acciai? That is a weird name for an Owl. And what is New Dawn?" He asked, looking away from the owl and at Rio. The owl just sat there and watched them, pruning himself, but otherwise he was silent. Itzal wondered what the owl was thinking even though he knew he could never know.

Itzal just grinned at her when she stretched her legs out over his lap but otherwise didn't show any sign that he noticed. He laid his head back again and close his eyes. He watched different colors dance across his eyes lids in the black that they brought with them. He opened one eye and looked at Rio as she asked about Itzal having any animal. He laughed once in his chest at that and shook his head. "No, I've never really owned any pets. A fox followed me around for a little bit when I was away but I eventually had to scare if off cause I couldn't hunt with it around. I had almost decided to kill and eat it but I decided not too since it hadn't gotten in my way on purpose. I just don't usually get connected to any animals I guess. Most of them I see as prey. He said, with more honest than he had really meant to use. He didn't understand the fascination some luperci had with these animals who they would normally hunt. Maybe someday he would connect with an animal and understand but until that day came around it would all be a mystery to him.

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