urban monoliths
(Sorry for the wait, Raze! I'll be much faster in the coming days! <3)

Sonje by Sie!

Now "play" wasn't a foreign concept to Sonje, as she included it in things such as play-fighting and playing dead. But "play" wasn't the same as "fun" (though often associated), and the latter of the two subjects wasn't something she understood, but it was rather an occurrence that happened at random and could not be explained or even acutely recognized by her. She glowered at him, chest rising and falling in a visible huff as she crossed her arms around herself, fighting a more vicious curl of her lip at his indignant retort. "Fool," she spat, "everyone gets tired." How dare he just lie to her like that!

It annoyed her, perhaps most of all, that he was actually good-looking. If he were less handsome, things would be easier. He wasn't even attractive in the traditionally rugged manner she favored, either, so she wasn't particularly pleased with herself for noticing any of his certain features at all. His golden fur, those green eyes. Green was her favorite color, though this boy's stupidity was enough to make her question renouncing it as such. Though she couldn't see him as much older than her, they had obviously grown up in very different ways—she, a wild child, and he, a (comparably) pampered prince.

When he questioned her again, it was her turn to act indignant, and since she hadn't truly been doing anything at all (and hadn't the mind to think up a decent lie), she snorted like a haughty teenage and descended the remaining steps. "None of your damn business," she snapped, brushing by the four-legged boy and making a beeline for the buildings wide doors. "Continue having fun," she tossed scathingly over her shoulder with a wave of a slender hand.


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