Searching for Hospitality
OCC- Little spoiler, but the powder in Eric's eyes is made of strong chillies and should ware off, but water helps. Also I'll be referring to my character as Eric in this thread. Let's Role Smile

Damn that wolf! Eric thought to himself as the pain from the powder continued to harass his eyes. He had just made it into the north of Souls, when an agent of Bear, Eric's ex-master attack him suddenly and tossed this strong chilli powder directly into Eric's eyes. Luckily Eric had killed the wolf before he could do more damage, but now the powder had settled Eric could barely open his eyes without pain.
Eric continues to stumble through the rough terrain, using the random scatter of trees to help him move forward. He guessed that he had moved at least 50 meters away from the area the wolf had attacked him, trying to move quickly on the fear that the agent wasn't alone.
Pacing forward Eric tried to open his eyes to give him some sense of direction, but quickly thought against the idea as another wave of painful stinging washed through him. He just hoped that he wouldn't reach a field or a tree-less area.

Of course, this wasn't his lucky day. A few meters later the tree line stopped, and, opening his eyes to slits, Eric saw a vast area of fields. Eric groaned, hoping the stinging would stop soon as he began to walk towards the grassy desert in front of him.

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