Holding onto the sweet escape
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Italianno);</style>Rio Marino
Word Count :: 317 || Points: 0 Does Aro normally chase girls? :O

Not before long, well maybe a little while, Aro came running. The sight of her seemed to throw him off a bit, and when he approached the border on his side, he was a little rude. His snide comment made her calm, emotionless face break into a slight snarl. When she was done, he was still waiting for an answer. ”I came here to apologize…” She had to raise her voice a bit so that he could still hear her over the distance between them. ”I shouldn’t have done that… or kissed you. That wasn’t like me. Well, the normal me anyway.” She was sort of rambling now. His rude nature offended her – she hoped he would be happy to see her, but instead he seemed unsurprised. She wasn’t aware of the life he had in his pack territory or who he really loved, but she wanted him, whether it was love or only lust - that damned emotion she knew nothing about.

There was a lump growing in her stomach, and she wanted to get out of there. She knew she was looking stupid and she couldn’t figure out why she came in the first place – oh yeah, because she was STUPID. Rio wanted to slam her head against something hard – to cure her of her idiot tendencies, but unfortunately – that would only cause her pain and not cure anything. She inhaled deeply, taking in his scent from all the way over there. ”I just like you, I guess. What I feel for you, I know nothing about – and so, my actions tend to become a little awkward. Sorry if I caused you any emotion at all.” The last part was sarcasm, and she turned away from him and began walking away from Casa di Cavalieri. Acciai swooped over the man’s head, apparently coming from the pack lands, and followed his master, though passing her and flying toward Halifax.

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Code by Kitty !

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