Holding onto the sweet escape

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro was taken back by the woman's sudden growl snapping him out of his tangent thoughts, ears pressed forward and he looked at her, 'Whoa, sweet thing, no need to get upset, you and I haven't had any sex...let alone you're not pregnant..." His eyes looked down to her stomach, then he thought about it. His nose didn't get a hint of heat or season from her scent, so if he desired to have any sex with her, he had no worries of getting her pregnant. His mind thought about the act and thought more on how her fur felt in his grasp. His body felt like rumbling. He did want her, he did want to feel her sweet folds on his length. Maybe he would go for it. For some reason her anger fueled him. She was so sexy when she was angry. It made him want to grab her put her against a wall and melt her. Make her succumb to his whims.

Aro couldn't lie to himself, but he could lie to women. He did feel something to each of them that he'd slept with, especially his first. He loved his first, but she didn't love him, and it hurt him. He then vowed that he wouldn't ever fall for another woman, allowing him to be the handsome man slut he was. However, Sidra caught him a little in her snare. He licked his lips a little watching her as he walked side by side. His eyes barely leaving her angered face. "Sweetheart, why do you appear so upset?" His warm baritone voice spoke smoothly to her while he tried to catch up to her. They rounded a corner and he moved for her, coming right at her, hands finding her waist and he moved her to the nearest wall. His muzzle dipping down so he could continue to look into those deep eyes of hers. His hot breath almost panted at her.

Aro felt hot, he felt emotions he shouldn't be feeling for this woman. He really liked her, something about her made him feel like he had known her. A low pleased growl rumbled in his chest, "Rio....you're beautiful, you know this? You're eyes are so deep.." He licked his lips wanting to kiss her. His hand moved to the small of her back pushing her to him and he couldn't hold back, he'd try it again. He kissed her gently this time. He was trying to figure out what was up with her. She looked like she wanted him, but then pulls away, comes to Casa looking for him, and then he kissed her and she refused him. Now she acted seductively, then gets angry..she was confusing. A rollercoaster to him.

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