I'll hold my head up higher and higher
She looked about herself hesitantly as the stallion walked around her to nibble on some of the branches of the trees behind her, she hadn't been scared of them before Anathema. Now whenever she thought of being close she got a cold shiver down her spine and her heart beat fast.

"When I was in Anathema.. there was one that the sub leader had, she was a horrible thing, always biting people. One day Alaki hadn't bothered putting her away properly and she attacked me." Gemma shivered and frowned, stretching the scarred skin. Alaki had been a cause of so much pain in her life, she wished him to leave souls and never return, then she might have a modem of peace.

She lowered her head and had the decency to look chastised, blue eyes appearing despaired, she was loathe to admit her weakness to Io who she feared maybe one day would judge her as weak and abandon her too, above all Gemma was scared of this, abandonment,

"The nightmares won't leave." She muttered lowly.

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