(*blushes* I'm really glad I have her ^_^)

Sonje by Sie!

Sonje looked surprised at first, as if amazed she didn't have to fight for her meal, but her eyes suddenly resumed a hardened, mistrustful severity as she gazed between the tall sylph and her radiant chestnut mare. Her doggish tail curled slightly, fingers gripping the carcass unnecessarily hard as she silently tried to rally her thoughts into proper succession. A girl has to eat, she shrugged, clearly not a particularly picky eater. Besides.. hunting sheep is for the crippled and lame, she added a little defensively. She was obviously capable of fetching herself a meal far more feisty than a docile ewe—even though her proficient dispatch of the feral boar was a technique only just learned from the likes of hunting with Sepirah.

The smaller wolfdog relaxed slightly, leaning an elbow against the massive skull of her dead quarry and using her other hand to lightly trace its limp, bloodied ear, as if fond of it. Ever hunted the elk or muskox up North? she asked conversationally, however her desire to do as such was comparatively forced. I wish it was this easy. She rolled her eyes, landing them on Jagga who had shuffled slowly closer to get a better scent of the other horse. Her large, gray nostrils flared, ears switching back and forth curiously as she came to loom unassumingly next to Sonje. The Luperci reached up a slender hand and patted her friend's inclined neck, leaving a bloody smear there without care.

You wouldn't happen to have a bit of rope would you? she asked, finally standing and crossing her red hands lightly across her chest. If the female was going to linger, she might as well make herself useful—and Sonje was all about making her own life a little easier, even at the expense of others. Not that there was much for her visitor to do at the time. I just want to get ol' porky here up to the barn, she motioned over her shoulder to the rickety red-brown planks that had once made a very nice stable. You're welcome to join me if you're hungry. She wasn't sure where that offer had come from, and she was immediately furious with herself. Could she not do away with that pretty face?


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