Cold Body in Hot Water
Word Count :: 300+ || Points: 3

Again he was reminded of her desire to be away from him. That sigh where once it might have been of content and happiness in his presence bid only displeasure for his existence now. His ear flicked as irritation claimed him. Was she content living the way they did? He wanted to be around her and missed her. The way she acted made him feel she would rather them just live their intertwined lives in an unnatural separation. That she had no desire to interact with him. Maybe it was her heat that had her so irritable. Hopefully that’s what it was.

The voice he heard felt odd and strange. Smooth with no emotion showing like that which he couldn’t hide in his. The words it formed might have sounded plain to a stranger but not to him. Never had he heard her refer to sangi’lak as anything but “their family”. He didn’t glance over at her this time but still looked for what the simple change in wording meant. Did she actually believe like he had feared in the days following their fight that the family didn’t belong to him? She hadn’t said “my” which would have reassured that painful thought. He could only guess at her reasoning. The sound of her claws grating against stone drew his eyes to the simple movement. I’ll do that, he said simply. How he wished she would just try to converse with him. Granted it had never been a strong point in their relationship but again, what else could he do?

A short and quiet sigh of exasperation escaped him and swirled into the churning steam. She didn’t want this small talk and something told him that pressing it further would result in retaliation of some sort from her. There was simply no other alternative he could see. About how long did it take to get that finished? The black and white male suddenly wished he had better conversational skills.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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