Am I cursed?

Alder refused to be the last one splashed. He took a rag and drenched it so that he could whip water at the horse. The stallion nickered and once more shook his mane to send more water flying at the wolf. This time Alder took the defensive and stepped back with hands and arms attempting to cover his body. It was useless, and he threw the rag back into the bucket and shook his own shortly cut mane out. When he turned, he found the slighter and shorter Squire approaching. Alder gave the male a grin, and offered a wave. Hati! Come help me rinse this horse off, he’s being such trouble. It was a bit of an exaggeration, the horse would simply not be drenched and splashed but the Marshal was growing a bit too tired to deal with it all himself.

Blue eyes watched the other male for a moment or two and then figured out that he was fairly later then usual. Alder was far from strict, and he had never found the need to be with such a willing volunteer that he got out of Hati. It was simply odd that the midnight furred wolf had taken him time to show up for chores and training, and he wondered if there was something to be worried about.

Rather then pry Alder picked up the rag that he had tossed and handed it to the younger Courtier. Better watch out, or you’ll be in the same mess I am. Alder spoke with a wink as he reach out to give Hati the old rag, then pointed to the extra bucket of water. Alder moved to the side to the horse, and gave him a scratch, Now behave. he commanded jokingly before glancing back at Hati with a smile.


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