Trekking East
He hunkered down behind the husk of the RCMP cruiser, slowly moving behind it to conceal himself from whoever was headed up the road. He bit his lip a bit, as he felt his heart race.

"You never knew what to expect when you heard footsteps out here." He thought, tightening his grasp upon his throwing-spear. "Could be someone friendly or some crazed looter."

Roland gingerly poked his head out to see if he could spot anyone coming toward him.

He gulped a bit when he noticed her. The orche-furred she-wolf approaching his position stood at least two feet taller than him, and was easily near double his weight. He gasped a bit, but wouldn't strike first, for if he missed, she would more than likely make short work of him after shifting form.

He relaxed his grip on his throwing spear and smiled a bit. Something told him she wasn't the marauding psychopath type. With that, he slid his javelin back into the slot on his backpack and walked out onto the main road, giving a friendly wave to the female headed up the road.

((Sorry for the lateness of my reply. I sort of got dragged to a weekend-long music festival 5 miles south of the pit on nowhere))

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