This road we walk, we walk together
The storm colored woman slipped through the shadows of the dark forest with ease, being louder then she usually would because she was in home territory. Home. It was a strange word, but something she was sure that she would get used to. Having packmates surrounding her and being present in her daily activities didn't please her, she thought she would enjoy the constant company but it almost.. bothered her. She rolled her shoulders as she shrugged, brushing off the thoughts as she ducked under a low tree branch. Her muscles moved easily, and she smiled breifly as the sing-song chirping of the birds echoed throughout the forest and she felt at peace with herself.

The birds could hardly notice her presence, the self-proclaimed ranger blending more or less with the shadows that danced between the tree trucks. Her scent was disguised, but not with any one mixture. Her scent by default the scent of rotting vegetation and the piney smell from fallen needles, and the fact that she felt more comfortable in the forest only aided her. To those just passing through, they wouldn't even notice her. She moved lightly through the underbrush, paws never really seeming to touch the ground. It was easier to be stealthy in her lupus form, but when in optime she often took to the trees, her form would be less noticed concealed within the branches.

Pausing, her ears pushed forward and stood at attention as an unfamiliar howl rose up. It was a leader, clearly, but definetly not the dark male that had accepted them. Her cut had healed quickly and she began to move towards the noise, increasing her speed until she was like a bird of prey, flying over the ground silently. She looked beautiful, moving with that easy lope that only wolves could command. As she neared the gathering she picked up Medusa's signature reptilian scent, knowing she would find the blonde woman there. Ksenija stepped out from behind a tree and slid up to her friends side, dirt and small branches attached to her pelt.

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