[M] Intensive Care
Word Count :: 400+ || Points: 4

Thought was all but gone now. The moving of his body was numb to fatigue and only slowed by the limitations of his form and the comfort of his mate. Everything seemed to dim in comparison to the sensation resonating from where the two bodies connected. A climax was approaching. The male identified the energized tingle which represented a complete spending of himself.

But it wasn’t to be. From the darkness reached a gentle beacon of sound that drew the Issum from his ecstasy. He knew it’s meaning but glanced down to be sure his love had heard. She had and wasted little time in removing his excited member from her nether regions. The male could do little but whine and comply with the surrogate mother’s wishes. In honesty, he didn’t wish to have an innocent mind witness such guilty pleasure. The rapid beating of his heart, the burning lust so utterly teased by a climax nearly found, and the adrenaline that gave him enough energy to move with her for hours demanded that he not let her go without expressing his unfulfilled desire. So he followed her quadruped form with desperate whines and suggestive pawing at her backside until she began to shift.

At that point even his instincts could not deny what had fallen out of reach. Jaden sat at the mouth of her den and tried to catch his breath. It took a long few minutes before he was able to calm himself enough to shift comfortably. Even then he was still physically ready to do the deed. Such a thing might not pass for a very, very long while. Now dexterous digits reached up and ran through his thick, black mane. It was an uncommon gesture for the Issum but seemed fitting as he continued to look disappointedly at the chamber’s floor.

A now tall and bicolored body found its way into the Issor’s den. He was quiet and tried not to stir the pup now cradled enviously against his mate. Desire had not gone from him nor had all of the excitement, but he had no idea how long it might take to get the little one back to sleep. For all he knew, the moment was already lost to his lover. So he drew himself in to the furs and pressed himself against her warm and unoccupied backside. He prodded her shamelessly near her tail simply because he couldn’t help it before wrapping his arms around the wonderful body and nuzzling in to her neck with an affectionate kiss.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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