[M] Intensive Care
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An interruption was almost unheard of during a crucial time as union. And it was difficult for her not ¬to be bothered by it, but there was little about it that could be helped when the youth was involved. Though the repercussions were bearable, further portraying the differences between her prior mate and her intended. Understanding as opposed to a stubborn demeanor commanding undivided attention regardless of what transpired around them. But with that understanding, she could not help but notice that sliver of weakness that became a stark difference between the two males.

But the thoughts were in passing as she tended to lull the pup to sleep. Feeling the arms of her friend and lover encircle her, she fell back against him growling softly to put the boy in a state of ease to dream. Though a change in venue would have surely changed the dynamic of the situation, it was apparent that for one the desires were still intact and were lying primed against her backside for the opportune moment. The inward war raged of instinct and the civil mind, one wanting to tend to the pup another time and continue the carnal pleasures of fur and flesh, whilst the other was inclined to see to the little one's pleasant drift to sleep.

And when his breathing evened and heartbeat was a slow, rhythmic tune, she laid him back down into his own comfortable bed and snuggly tucked him within his marten pelt. Though with him settled, the change in mood was not immediate. It was a gradual shift, more like the subtle inclinations that spelled desire in scent and sound. But even then the sound was muted and scent had waned as a kind of calm overtook her otherwise frazzled features. She looked to her Issum and took either side of his muzzle between umber hands and gently drew him forward for their noses to touch. Beneath the wild veil of red bangs, she looked to him with content within her amber eyes. Her tail swung lazy catering to neither one side or the other, nor did it lift to lure the male's apparent want. The whole of her had simply fallen into a content state...a calm state shared with one whom she loved.

378 words.

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