Shadows of the world
backdated to the 18th

He knew he shouldn't have left, that he did need his healer to take care of the wounds that destroyed his face. He had seen his own reflection in the water and knew he was a sight to be looked at. Still with his face was a covering of crusted blood that he could neither clean off without opening up the stitched wounds or simply leave in in case they brought infection. Now even more withdrawn into himself Honrin had made a trip to interact only once with the rest of Vinátta, the rest of the time he stayed in his privately constructed camp embroiled in his own misery and anger.

Once he had taken his anger out on a deer that had wandered too close by accident. It had been unsettlingly satisfying to tear the life from the brown eyed creature. Now several smoking stacks littered his camp to dry out the meat he hadn't eaten at the time. Most of it was dry now and these he packed away to save, intending not to eat them himself. He thought of his poor mother and felt his heart break even more. The bottle he lifted to his lips and took another swig, uncaring if anybody was around.

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