Sister of my Son
((I'll bring Deuce in in a little bit. ^^))

He poured the hot water over the tea leaves and other herbs, stirring them absently with a metal spoon. Myrddin had gone with Light and the children, the boy being fascinated by his younger cousins. After filling Gemma in on everything that had happened, he had lapsed into a silence. He strained the leaves out, the familiar scent of chamomile and peppermint soothing to the male. His mother tried to convince him to use lavender more, but he was convinced that lavender was her thing. It smelled nice, yes, but too much gave him a headache. He handed a mug to Gemma as he sat at the table.

"Kids grow up fast." An offhanded comment as he studied her. His eyes were gentle as he looked over the ear he'd had to cauterize, scanning her breathing for signs of trouble related to the now healed ribs. All in all, it seemed his work on her had done more good than harm. He hadn't wanted her to leave when she had, but he understood the need to be back in one's own home.

And then his eyes met hers, as if seeking an answer to something he had seen the day he'd worked so hard to save her. Had he imagined the emotions that had run between them? Had he imagined the desperate way she'd clung to him as he'd seared the flesh of her ear to save her? The thoughts, the memories, they nagged at him, teasing him. He wasn't uncomfortable with his feelings, he'd come to terms with them since that day, since realizing how he felt for this woman, this half sister. And he knew if there was a chance for him and Sky to reunite, it would be ruined by what she would see as a crime.

He couldn't see it as a crime, to feel so deeply for this beautiful woman. It was an accident of fate that they shared their rapist sire. It was fate's design that they had met and forged a connection one night, a connection that went deeper than the lust they'd fallen into that evening so long ago.

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