Change on the Wind


Kable watched with uncertainty as the event directly in front of his eyes unfolded. Like a domino effect tempers of particular individuals flared, some his family. It was interesting to see how a few were okay with the adjustments to leadership and others were so far from it. Cursing the man on the stage that relayed the news, a couple canines demanded the Kings presence. Skoll and Amaranth explained that Vigilante had been by there mothers side in her injured state. This was true, Ayita had been badly hurt and they were mates. Why shouldn’t the Haskel be ever so close to her? He cared about her deeply, he loved her.

All this arguing, all these tempers, doubts, this tension amongst their pack. To the seigneur this was ridiculous and border line absurd. Taking a large hand he not so gently connected his hand to his face and dragged it down his muzzle and off his mouth, as if he could so easily wipe away the start to this headache he felt coming on. A pack shouldn’t be or act this way they should be a unit with better understanding. He honestly didn’t care where Silvano came from. What mattered was that he was here, saying he was willing to help; how much only time and events would tell. For now all they could really do was trust put some trust in him.

When the King spoke the hair on the male’s neck and along his back stood. He almost didn’t notice his presence over the tension in the air. He explained that the dreamers were their allies and still were even if they no longer existed. Their leader also gave a little suggestion of caution and respect if any of them so much as chose to disagree and speak up. Kable shook his head lightly, he wouldn’t think of it, especially prompted by Vigilante.


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