the creation continues through the media of man

302 Wanna wrap dis up? <3 I'm starting up a pinned AW right after this and another reply. c:

Ithiel is by me!

The dust-colored coyote nodded in response, though he did not yet move. There were still a few moments of relaxation due him and Angel, as he saw it. The hybrid instead stretched his limbs -- first the legs, then his arms. He cracked the individual knuckles of his hands, glancing toward Angel now and again as the coal-hued hybrid spoke. His uncle -- who had his uncles even been? Ithiel did not know a single one of them, and found he did not mind overmuch. His father was the important one, after all -- his direct ancestry, the lineage from which he descended, certainly superseded the offshoots in importance. Though, perhaps if he'd lived amongst uncles and aunts and cousins and family, it might be he could speak knowledge of building. As it was, he was the simple-minded soldier, lacking in knowledge other than how to scout and how to kill.

Ana, right? Ithiel said, uncertain of the dark-hued coyote's sibling. Yes, he agreed, simply. Sepirah might also know a thing or two -- she seems to like this sort of thing, anyway, Ithiel said. It was more an assumption on his part of his cousin's preferences -- as a woman, she certainly would have a better hand at decor than he and Angel alone. Willam, too, perhaps, he mused. She would be happy to help with such a project, he suspected, and her bodily strength meant she could work alongside Angel and himself without complaint.

I'll start hauling the wood out, Ithiel said, standing up. I'll can leave it on the porch for now -- keeps it dry, and no one will mind. It was certainly preferable to have it on the porch, tucked away, than in the middle of a hallway or sprawled across a second bedroom.

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