[m] [p] our guilt, our blame, our blood, our fault


Myrika is by me!

The twisting thing in her stomach pierced more, and she hated herself for having wrought this with her questions and words, though perhaps even then part of her recognized the inevitability of such a thing. Sorrowful as she was for having provoked such things within her sister, she was also infinitely relieved it was hers to know, too. She held fast and squeezed the hand, her own breath an increasing heaviness in her lungs until she realized she was holding that, too.

The fawn-colored hybrid exhaled slowly and suppressed her own whining and even growling, though they threatened within her. She was grave-silent in her listening, finding even the noises she wanted to make inadequate to express the things she felt. Anything Myrika might have said or done was only so much bathetic gesture, the most minute and insignificant thing swept up in the wave of things spilling from her sister.

The names and the they were unknown to her, but she conjured images of them and tore them to pieces all the same. If she could not do it herself, Ithiel could have for her, the rest of Inferni, too. In that moment, given a tangible and known enemy, she would have echoed a predecessor in seeking the worst monsters she could find to exterminate her sister's monsters. She quivered with her own anger, incapable of suppressing that much. Her jaws were set together, clenched tightly. With the shake of Cassie's head, she released and drew back, uncertain if her holding and closeness was wanted. Her other hand hovered over a bone-colored back, but she dropped and withdrew it, instead curling both into fists.

Myri still believed, too, in catharsis -- even if she understood part of that included, irrevocably, taking some of that feeling into herself. She would have stolen it all away if possible, if only sorrow could be siphoned with things small and ineffectual as words. There was no turning away now, though -- it had been too late the moment she saw her sister bloodied and bruised and scarred.

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