Moving on Joining
A howl. Lovely. Normally, Sebastian would let the leaders handle it, but he felt like doing some of his own work today. He was chronically bored, and though this was good for Casa's food stocks, it was bad for his mind. Hunting didn't have the same appeal after doing so much of it. It was a lot of work, too. He could feed himself, sure, but his true talents lay elsewhere.

People. He was good with people, he knew that. Maybe he could become the pack's official greeter. Greeting all the newcomers, seeing how they were, giving them hugs if they were sad. All that jazz. Ambassador, too, maybe.

But for now, he could restrict himself to greeting potential members. Like the one who just howled.

Sebastian jogged over to where the howl had come from. Why was the Fort so far away from their borders? Still, it wasn't long before he arrived at the source, slowing down to a jog as the howler came into sight.

Damn. He was a big boy. Had to be nearly Jazper-sized, if not slightly skinnier. He had muscles, to be sure, but not the massive bulk that made up the Sole's body. Still decently beefy. Nice fur, too. Looked soft. Sebastian had always liked grey fur. It made him stand out more.

Sebastian quickly assessed the situation. Big guy. Had a stick. Only wore a loincloth- that was a definite plus. Had a bird. That was odd, but could be useful. Had a horse, too- that was a bit of a minus for Sebastian personally, but probably good for the pack. Even though they had far too many horses in his opinion. Damned things ate way too much.

Getting off topic. Stick, bird, loincloth, horse, big guy, grey fur, nice body... Weird eyes. Looked blind. Sebastian came to a halt a few metres in front of the wall of muscle, one hand on his hip as he looked the new specimen up and down.

"Salve, Messieur," he said warmly, taking his time in ogling this guy's body. No need to be especially secretive about it if he couldn't be seen, right? "I am Sebastian, Rispetto of Casa di Cavalieri. Is there something I can do for you?"

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