M-Let's go make out with her friends

Charm Sawtooth,
Word Count :: 385||I was thinking since Charm and Aeron have shifted to a more "open" relationship. Charm could sorta ask Panda if she would be her second lover. Please let me know your idea.

It might be a mistake
A mistake I'm makin'

But what you're giving I'm happy to be taking.

It wasn’t that Charm minded Aeron being the new and sole leader…it just..well took up more time for the lady. Before she was one of three leaders, and now she is the one and only. Aeron had promised that she would be more open about her feelings and more open with Charm, however they agreed on a change. A small amendment to their relationship, it wasn’t much but it was something that made it bit more do-able. Charm had eyes for Panda, while Aeron had eyes for Lillith. It was strange that the female where keeping there interest with in the family line.

How long had it been…The female wasn’t able to keep the black and white lady out of her mind. Charm was brought to her like a moth to the fire. No matter what Charm could not get her soft touch, her warm scent out of her mind. Aeron was the love of her life, and nothing nor no one could replace that, however…she was aroused at the thought of the Corson. There had been more than one night when the Sawtooth laid alone and found her-self with her fingers up inside of her, purring out the name “Panda…” Charm knew that Aeron had Lillth, and Charm was fine with that…she wanted something to be around as dark as she was, and Charm wanted someone to be as soft as she was.

She had hidden at the temple most of the night, hoping that being up hear would help her clean her thoughts of Panda, however it seemed that every where she turned there was something that made her want to seek her out, and propose the foolish question.

The lady sat down behind a pillar with her head down as she tried to wrap her mind around this whole thing. Time must have slipped away as she heard a voice asking if someone was there. Charm knew the voice…the Sawtooth lady knew she couldn’t hide from the women she lusted after. ”It’s me Panda….” The Sawtooth lady hands placed on either side of the pillar as she pushed her nose out to the side and then her head, resting her head on the side of the column. She looked at the lady as her freshly tattooed arm was hidden in the shadow.

Cause no one's ever made me feel
The way I feel when I'm in your arms.

template by revo. <3


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