[p] I'll take your agony away
Psh, you're fine <3

Sebastian had just picked his way over a sizeable root that had split the road open when the familiar clip-clop of hooves disturbed his ruminations. Horse. Lovely. Why were so many people so infatuated with the damn things? The Italian frowned and ducked behind a rather large oak, peering around the side in an attempt at sneakiness. Truthfully, his stealth left much to be desired, but it got the job done.

Aha. Well, wasn't this interesting? It was none other than Mister Bartholomew Cubbins. Not wearing his skirt today, but then again it would be a rather awkward thing to wear whilst riding a horse. Still had that jacket Sebastian had never gotten the chance to wear. Hmm. Perhaps now he could ask about that. Maybe get in another round of heavy-duty sex while he was at it. The tall, dual-coloured, messy-haired male had been rather good at that. Fond of petting, too.

Sebastian nonchalantly strolled around the tree, a charming grin on his face as he halted in front and to the side of the horse. He didn't speak, preferring to let Bartholomew make the first move. Only problem was, he didn't.

The foxy male waved. The horse took another step, slightly away from the Italian. Sebastian was on the verge of shouting something rude at the tattooed male by the time Bart looked up and recognised him. Or at least, saw him. It seemed as though Mister Cubbins didn't recognise him.

The Italian frowned. Was he really so forgettable? He certainly hadn't thought so from the way he had made Bart moan.

Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his hips to one side, raising an eyebrow at the taller male.

"Maayyyybeeeee," he drawled. "If you would be so good as to remember my name, Messere Cubbins."

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