Paint the Seconds

Her paws touched the cold water, sending a chill down her spine. She bent and took the clean water in her mouth, it was refreshing and tasting of rain. The drops pelted her back; some soaking threw while other hung to the longer guard hairs. She made a lazy attempt to shake her coat and rid her body of the extra water weight. Watching the clear water she took another step into the moving creek, letting it flow across the tops of her feet. The soothing motion captivating her.

Broken from the spell, her ears stood strait, and she turned her head to find a golden figure in the distance. Comparing the upright and in the two legged form with her four legged, Anu figured she could out run anything that chose the different shape. Turning to face the stranger, it was hard to suppress the curiosity that was ever present. Stepping forward Anu watched carefully and found that this new beast was collecting flora from the earth. They were instantly friends, from her standpoint.

Padding forward Anu allowed herself to run through all of the different plants that this one might be looking for. Getting closer, and finally forgetting the rain, Anu found a surprising fact. Black nose to the moist air, it wasn’t hard to notice that this was a pack yote. From the wild Inferni group no doubt. Stopping sharp she watched to see if she was as much as a threat as they were all made out to be. Tail and hackles in the air she made quite a sight, well more like a wet sad looking Shetland sheepdog.


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