Post Lengths
I move to Help because this is a great discussion and deserves to be on the highlights already IMO. 8B

Also dddd'aaww Raze. ;___; <3

To get:
Don't really matter to me. I've seen REALLY short posts that convey what the character's doing and how they feel perfectly well, and so that's the most important thing to me rather than tons of words. THAT SAID, it's usually... yknow, the other person's post inspiring me. >___> Sometimes in my own replies, I really only have a vague idea (a few sentences, at best) as to what the character's going to do, so it's helpful if the other person has written at least a little bit other than straight action/dialogue (including setting, character feelings, changing scenery/background, etc.). This often "inspires" further babbling in me... like okay:

For example last night, I replied to a Kiripost wherein Cassie was dreaming. Since I, as a person, don't remember my dreams almost ever, I hardly (if ever) remember to write my characters dreaming because I'm dum. So -- I was inspired to add a little guilt-laden dream sequence! TBH I think the last time I wrote anything including a dream was probably post-Haku Kae, so it's awesome when other players either remind me of something (unintentionally or intentionally) in their replies that I'm not doing, etc.

The same thing frequently occurs if, like... in exposition/thought process, the character might think or mention something. Obviously, I don't include this in the action, as that would probably be metagaming, but I might include some of my own character's inner thoughts on the same/a similar matter. So -- that sometimes helps ME write longer posts and think up new things.

But really, I don't care -- if I really wanted to babble for every post, I probably could (I do it for SoSu x_x) but it's really draining to try and write superlong posts every time...

To give:
... which is why I try to write write how much I feel like writing and no more/less. Even though it's probably a good exercise to write more/less at times (e.g., trying to restrict yourself to a certain number of words without going over -- probably a good exercise in brevity, which I need DSmile. The only time I feel guilty about this is when it's literally like... a 150 word post. ._.;; Although 'Souls does not enforce a minimum, I do try and shoot for 200 words, just because it's... habit and feels bad if I write less. Otherwise, I don't try to write more to my posts. MAYBE, if I'm literally like 10 words away from the next game points thing, I might add a sentence or two, but that's only sometimes. I'm just as happy posting 286 words and not getting 3 game points~

I do also feel guilty if I throw huge posts at people. It just happens sometimes... and a lot of the time it's me messing with an NPC or just inner character babbles that don't really matter. Hence why I tell people to skip paragraphs. I feel guilty making people waste their time reading stuff that's essentially irrelevant to them/that post. I dunno. I am awkward. 8B

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