you're dancing in quicksand

indent Gabriel studied the man as he spoke, this peculiar coffee colored Omega. While he was larger, Gabriel was not intimidated by size. He himself was as large as any regular dog. The words offered gave him several answers—Skoll was not in the Place of Lightning and Thunder, but he was close. Phoenix did not want a war and would have his borders on alert. Good. Of course, then came the accusation, even if his tone was attempting to be anything but. “Then you know I will not hesitate to do the same if the time comes for it,” he said quietly, as if this might alter how the threat sounded.
indent “I don’t think you’re a liar, Phoenix,” Gabriel knew his name, just as his had been known. It didn’t surprise him, that two leaders might know each other. “But if he carries your pack’s scent or if he returns here…well, that might be bad for all of us.” A faint, coy smile threatened to break his face. This was really just a game, and one Gabriel was intent on not loosing.


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