She wasn't far from the lands she called home. Not terribly far that was. She had visited her son in his lands, and then brought his home with her. She knew he and Sky were having issues, and was staying out of it. She secretly wished he would come up to New Dawn to stay. But perhaps that was simply her wishing the happy ending she'd never have on her own offspring. She was miserable that Soran had left her, without explanation, without a goodbye. She had no reason for it, no note, nothing. Just the fading memory of a scent that belonged to the one true love of her life.

She picked her way across the shore until she reached an area where she could pause. She was upwind of the calico woman, and so lost in her thoughts that a bear could have come to her and she wouldn't have noticed. She laid down on the sandy shore, dipping the toes of her front paws into the water. Now that she was back home, she was using her lupus form again, out of respect for the pack she belonged to. She stared at the bands of black fur circling her front wrists, remembering the very first night that Soran and she had exchanged vows of eternal love.

A bitter taste rose in her throat. Why did everyone leave her? What had she done so wrong? Thanos, then Soran, then Lucifer, and then Soran left again. Those she had loved had left, every time. She sighed bitterly.

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