[p] in this world it's hard to get it right
(371) dated for the 28th. :3

She was completely and utterly lost. She never felt like this, the only time being when she was banished from her clan when she faced a world unknown to her. It was a different situation, but the same feeling of naive confusion pulsed through her. Sure and confident was her nature. Yet she was crippled by her own conflicted emotions, and she didn't feel like herself.

She had avoided Jazper since he exposed the news and the ring. After he left her room when she demanded it so was when Alyssum had started to feel wrong, unlike her self. It was nearly childish how she was evading him, and ultimately the reality of the truth, and Macbeth sternly pointed this out on the third day. She needed to face the facts: he had new children, and he loved her--the thought sent a rush through her. She was his Luna, the pack's Luna. She would eventually need to compromise, for Casa did not need to suffer a weak leadership because of personal squabbles. But she did not feel like talking to Jazper, at least not at that moment. She still felt herself fester within, nevertheless, and decided to take a different approach to remedy it.

Paranoid, she was uncertain if she should ride her mare. She would have rather make her trip unconspicous, but on horse, it would be accomplished at a faster pace. Deciding the quicker she got back, the quicker she would return, absence perhaps unnoticed, she saddled Antebellum and rode west. It took a couple of hours of trotting and galloping to reach the Artisan border, the trek made with a silence. About a mile away from the territory, she departed from the horse and left her bow with the mare--she only brought it with her as a guise that she was hunting in case anyone saw her. The coywolf walked the rest of the way, slow as she finally gave thought to what she was doing. She felt no hesitation as she approached the scent markers, lingering a good few meters away, and no regret as she called for her. Alyssum felt no urge to leave, and stood patiently to see if she would be answered with her presence.


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