[p] in this world it's hard to get it right

When the conversation went from the dark to a lighter subject, it felt as if a heavy cloud had finally broke and the sun came back. The cloud would never disappear, but at least the light of the world would show its face every now and then. The pale and dark pups were probably the best thing to come out of that situation--two new lives, new children. Alyssum was a motherly creature, but her expeierences were limited to injured birds and a horse, and the thought of children never crossed her mind--even when she was in Montana, they had no youngsters that were considered pups.

But, it was because of her lack of knowledge was she interested in the pups, a rare sight for the woman. A innocent curiosity overcame her, and she listened attentively as they were given names with indications. The pale one was Esmeralda; such a pretty name, she thought with a small smile. And the dusky-hued boy, Ares. The woman wondered if Skye knew that was Jazper's father's name, but she must've; Jazper was perhaps the one who had suggested it.

Suddenly, the boy gave a quiet squeal, and the coywolf's heart jumped to her throat, and ears cupped forward towards the cry. But, Ares merely pawed the air, and gave no signs of distress, and Alyssum quickly calmed down, and went back to watch him. Tentatively, ready to back away if the mother disapproved, she reached out an index finger towards the paws, for the pup to take a grab at if he wanted to. Her finger brushed against a paw pad, and she gasped, surprised, "He's so soft--his paw, I mean!"


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