Theatre Therapy
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OOC Stuffs go here

Both of them raced across, practically flying over the territory as they moved for the flowers. The wind whipped past them, teasing whispers brushed against her ear. Various petals covered Terra when she finally sat up from her dive into the meadow. Laughing she looked over at Orin, a giant smile across her face. It didn't look like she was white anymore. Thoughtfully Terra looked down at the flowers. Picking one up she rubbed it against her fur, watching it change. She would remember that. Terra absorbed Orin's words, thinking about what she could do if she could change her color.

Asked to perform a trick right then and there Terra slowed down. She'd thought they'd return to the stage. Well, a trick right here wouldn't be too bad. Studying her bundle Terra carefully wove her hands through it, gripping all of the red flowers. Loosening her arms she flourished, all the flowers vanishing but the one color. The others had rained down to the ground, but with the flowers all around them it was difficult to see through to the ground where they laid. Twirling them Terra winked, carefully gripping a white flower and keeping it hidden behind the bundle. Would you like one?
Wordcount :: +000

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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