Bob the builder's little helper

Sorry it is so short. And that it took me so long to get it up.

Itzal's leg was feeling better. He was lucky he had ran into Panda, who had insisted on changing his bandages. So now he had clean, fresh bandages. And his leg had been on the mend for a while. It hurt him less and less each day. Though usually by the end of the day Itzal was back to sweating and swearing from the pain. But it was still earlier in the day and Itzal wasn't yet at the point. He had decided to get a little traveling in but he had wanted to stay in Anathema. So the black hybrid had headed out to the barn in Anathema. He had just gotten the building in sight and was walking towards it at a luxurious pace.

After a few minutes he could make out some shapes near the barn. He looked around, trying to see if there was anyone around. He saw a few animals but paid them little attention. Itzal had wanted to find someone to have a conversation with. And now that his leg was feeling almost normal, he wanted to get back to his active ways. So it was with hope that he would run into someone that could hold a conversation that Itzal approached the barn.

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