Face to Face

Holding up a particularly ornate one Amy snorted. The balance in the blade was awful, as bad as if it had been fake. A plainer one with some nice leather casing was much better off. Amy tested the weight carefully before nodding to herself, agreeing that the balance was right. Hearing something move Amy turned around, watching Kohaku stare at a wobbling rack, a dress at his feet. Amy briefly considered whether it was worth yelling at him before deciding to let him have free rein. The cloth was pretty moth bit anyways. She could find some better stuff.

Knife pocketed she continued along, fingering a bright velvet green. Dust covered the dress, not the best feel for it. She couldn't tell what shade of green it was meant to be. Pulling off the dress she placed that in her bag. Lucias' whimpers brought her attention, stroking her daughter once before she returned to take more knives. Each one was carefully tested, but only three others were selected. Satisfied she moved out, freezing in the frame of the door. Lifting her head she sniffed the air. Members from New Dawn. She couldn't pick out the individual scents, but they were there, and there was enough for her to be wary of them. Kohaku. Come. It looked like the visit would have to be cut short.
for the ND plot!

template by revo. <3


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