I can teach you about the Stars
OOC: Figured this could wrap it up, if that's okay :3 You can add whatever you wants :3

Aro smiled warmly to Raoth, wanting him to know that he wasn't upset with him. He was upset with himself. He knew things were complicated...but then again, was anything easy with Aro? Relationship wise that is. Aro could make friends easily, that was no problem...but keeping it just friends was something else. Most didn't understand his sexual manner, and even then, sometimes grew into more than just casual. Rio wasn't too keen on understanding casual. Sidra actually began to ban him from casual sexual encounters. And now it didn't seem to stop at females. Raoth couldn't be casual though...he knew that, and that would just complicate things way too much..

Aro looked to the paper and he smiled sitting down and getting out the large notebook he found in a venture to Halifax. "..alright here are some more words for us to practice together.." And the lesson began.

Aro showed Raoth how to make sentences and explained how they worked and made it so Raoth could read easier. Most of it was taken on faith that he understood it. Other times he could tell by watching the coyote's expression. Aro smiled warmly to him through it all, and calmed him when he became frustrated. Not once did the black and white male become impatient with Raoth when he wrote something back wrong. Just tried to understand it and then showed him the correct word, and how it could be translated wrong.

Aro just made sure Raoth just got it right. If he tried to write to a stranger, the last thing he wanted was misunderstanding. Raoth was a hot-head...that was quite obvious, and misunderstandings could easily become a blood bath with the coyote.

They spent nearly all day just writing and working on it as long as Raoth wanted to. Then they got a meal together when he needed a break. Even had the opportunity to lay back and relax. Aro always tried to relax with Raoth at some point when working together. It was easy for the coyote to get mad and worked up, but not easy for him to relax. Aro wanted to teach Raoth patience. It was his biggest goal.

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