Is it okay to smile?
Zalen Damaichu
OOC | WC :: +1

Adonia’s demeanor changed a little bit when Zalen had grabbed onto her toy, and for the first time, as far as the Alpha could remember, she looked into his eyes. He was somewhat surprised, both at the both gesture, but also at the beauty of her eyes; they were a beautiful color blue, like the ocean in summer time. It lasted but a moment though as she relinquished the toy and then groveled before him, whining and licking at him.

He stood stiff before her, his tail still wagging but much more slowly now, and he looked down at her, the toy held gently in his jaws. The thing obviously meant a lot to her, and Zalen was going to take care of it, but first, he would make her chase him. So with a playful bounce he was off running through the summer blooms, the toy waving in his jaws like a triumphant flag.

The Alpha was suddenly glad the two of them were alone, and that Ookami was gone; Adonia was a free female now, and almost in heat, which opened up a world of possibilities for Zalen’s libido. He was not ready to take on a new mate, and Adonia probably would not be able to be an Alphess at this time, but she was a perfect female for breeding, and Zalen so desperately wanted to procreate.

i run wild, i run free
template by revo. <3


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