Is it okay to smile?
Zalen Damaichu
OOC | WC :: +1

Zalen suddenly found himself bashful at Adonia’s reaction. Dropped her toy so she could nuzzle him back, and he nuzzle her back. She smelled good, yet she still smelled of Ookami, something that he decided then and there had to be remedied. So, as she mentioned that he must hear all the time of how handsome he was, he circled the woman, rubbing his flank and head against all of her body, transferring his scent, "You’d be surprised, I hardly hear it at all." This was the truth; Titania had called him handsome, and only a handful of other females as well.

Adonia, probably a little wary of Zalen’s advances, moved a bit away, but he slowly walked over to her, his tail swinging. It wouldn’t matter if he had a harem of females or just one; each girl was special, and each one could be a wonderful mother. Zalen was somewhat surprised that Ookami had not bred with Adonia when he had the chance; he was a fool of a wolf, Zalen was glad he was gone.

Back at Adonia’s side, Zalen mouthed at the toy again, only to be doing something with his mouth instead of licking her all over, like he wanted to. She smelled better now, but he wished he could just grab her and throw her into the ocean or a lake and scrub her clean, and touch her body. These thoughts sent shivers of electricity through his body and he could feel adrenaline started to rise.

i run wild, i run free
template by revo. <3


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