Put 'er there
Occ- Just read your [M] Post with Palaydrian Soul, I can feel the stress Tongue Don’t know what your outcome plans are for it though... No Spoilers! Smile

Tali pushed herself to a halt, and wagged her tail upon meeting another pack member. After a week or so, the excitement of meeting another pack member would probably wear off, but with Tali's giddy nature, one could only hope.

"Good to hear, I'm holding up just fine. Almost viewed everywhere I want in New Dawn. The land is beautiful." She scratched her ear quickly as a rouge watercress found its way inside, "And I've learnt not to swim around watercress anymore." She shook herself quickly, in a second attempt to rid herself of the watery grass.

"I know it's pretty easy to guess, but I love it here. The land I came from was nice, but never had the right weather or land to grow such beautiful greens." She remembered her old pack; the grass there never had the same feel as the grass here. She looked at Jiva and smiled, "Is there a place here with watercress proof water and long green grasses," She asked, "I've seen most places, but a place like that would certainly earn its place on top of my list."

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