{M} god CAN'T hear YOU life WILL fight YOU
"Mmm-hmmmmmm..." Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, snuggling up closer to the Spaniard when he took the joint back. At this point, the Italian looked ready to be swallowed up by Jacinto's fur, he was pressed so neatly against the larger man. He idly rubbed the side of his muzzle against the Spaniard's chest. "Poor bunny. I hope you feel much better soon..." Sebastian trailed off, distracting himself for a few moments with the soothing motion of stroking Cinto's bare chest with his snout.

Then he collected himself. "Of course," he said complacently, taking the bottle and downing another gulp, shivering as the fiery liquid hit his stomach. "You'll have to tell me some other time. I'll give you a sheep if you do." People liked sheep, didn't they? Sheepy sheep. And he could make a blanket from its fuzz or eat it or milk it. No, not milk it. People didn't milk sheep, did they? Maybe it was goats?

Who knew.

Sebastian passed the bottle back to Jacinto, speaking nonsense. "Worry not, dear Jacinto Lykoi the Third. I'm sure that someday very soon, an appropriately sexy and charming man or woman will leap to your loins and join you in bonding matrimony." Sebastian nodded wisely. "I know these things, cara mia. Pro-" he hiccuped. "Prophetic, I am."

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