pumpkin spice and a cold breeze.

indent “I think she might have,” he responded to her first question. Eris, named after a mythological goddess of chaos. Perhaps she and Kaena had started over. They’re dead. He ignored the second voice, his own, and smiled a little at her offer. The next banter went to further the truth of all families he had ever known. “That’s how it was when my dad left,” he offered with a shrug. “I’m sure they’ll turn out fine without him.” Most of his siblings had. Not that he had much to reference, but that was what he believed.
indent“I doubt Andre will want to come. Arkham might.” “Though Faolin and I might come visit sometime. I haven’t seen your land before,” he added, realizing how small his view on the packs was. They were just places—borders marked in odd colors in his head.


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