pumpkin spice and a cold breeze.
mall-caps;">this table was touched by Misery

She locked the information away inside her head, nodding as he finished. Segodi, she had never met him, but he had lead the clan before Kaena, but after Kidorah. It was good, at the very least, to know who was around and what they were doing when it came to the leaders of any clan or pack. With a grin, she tossed him a wink, "It'll be good to not have to sneak around, avoiding the clan while looking for your mother!" Like little teenagers, the two had hidden themselves from the world. She had, since saving the Lykoi children, managed to move past the need for hiding though. For the most part, she liked to think she was welcome by the other coyotes. Part of her knew this was not the case though. Past him, her eyes found the sea. With a small smile she watched him, glad that their relationship had taken a good turn. She was afraid that things might sour with Kaena gone, but she felt as though their respective clans could even find some common ground, against all odds.

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