time finally caught up with me
(316) I have the vague sense that this post sucks. I'm sorry. :C <3

For once, Alyssum was not outside of the territory on a hunting excursion. She was a frequent traveler for her hunts, following the trails of moving prey that would sometime step out of her lands and onto the free, unclaimed wilderness. It felt odd as she crossed the borders and not to have her bow and quiver. But, she pushed away the strange sense and continued to trek forward at a comfortable pace, her path aimless.

With so much happening just this moon, she felt the need to temporarily exit Casa and allow herself to meditated over what had happen, and for that matter, what will. Personal matters and formal business muddled her thinking, and she felt the impulse to at least sort out which was what, to get a sense of things and then to start planning what to do next. There was that dinner that Jazper mentioned to think about, which will be her first encounter with other leaders besides Skye since she became an alpha herself. She felt a brief moment of shyness and uncertainty, what will the others think of her? Alyssum did not allow herself to think long about that, and tried to focus on her surroundings to distract her a little.

A few minutes later there was a shift in the air, and the woman perked up and watched as a coyote exited the trees. She knew it was a coyote by the large ears, thin legs, and somewhat distinctive gait. Curiosity nibbled at her conscience. She was silent for a moment, her pace slowing by a degree, and stopped altogether as she called out to the figure that must have already saw her. The fields they were in was fairly sparse aside for the low shrubs and flowers. "Hey!" she stated loudly, the greeting as friendly as it could be for a stranger, neither too forced or too indifferent.


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