[M] City of Sin
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC: Set for the 8th

Thana had woken up early in the morning like usual, heading out for a run. She hadn’t even noticed the changes to her body yet. Her heat cycle had started late that night, leaving her scent trailing out of the den. She slowed down, reaching Deer Lake and she shifted to her Optime form. Even though New Dawn members were mainly in their Lupus form, Thana still favored the other, having used it for years. She hardly ever used her Lupus form ever since she was first able to shift. It was really the only thing she struggled with inside the pack.

Reaching up into the air, Thana stretched out her back before stepping into the water. She let the water lap at her knees, her tail swaying back and forth for a moment until she dove into the water. It was really just to cool off after her run, so she didn’t stay in the water for long. She shook the water from her fur and moved over to a dry patch of grass, laying down to relax as she looked over to the lake. Thoughts of Shadow flooded into her mind, wishing he was there.

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