Flaming Hearts.
Something was happening at the dens. It wasn't the first time a fire had been set in the pack territory. Often he'd seen the glimmer when patrolling, and caught the occasional smell of it. The smell had made him nervous, keeping well away from the source, but there had been no danger. At least, not until now. It was right before his pack's dens, where everyone would settle down and be comfortable. He hadn't realized it until he came over the clearing, finding a fire sparking through.

Panicking he backed up, almost bumping into Sky as she went past. Don't! He wanted to stop her, keep her away from that dangerous thing. Their calm attitude completely stunned Tharin, staring at them both before deciding that they were crazy and letting out a panicked yelp. He paced back and forth a short time before calling to them. The fire! Whining he looked around, hoping that somehow there would be something there that would stop it from spreading and consuming everything.

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