Flaming Hearts.
272 - Nasty looks, Unspoken Death Threats and Childish Sulking. Sky's got it all, ladies and gentlemen. ;D

The chaos of the situation exploded, and then fizzled to a dead stop. Suddenly, she wasn't between snapping teeth and flailing claws anymore. She was in the air, hoisted up by the scruff like some pup- she'd forgotten, as she looked to see Zalen there, just how small she was compared to most of her packmates. Now, it seemed as if she'd shrunk even more. Zalen was angry. Her tail curled instinctively, tucking into her legs, which reached but didn't quite touch the ground. Her forepaws were tucked into her chest, lips drawn back from the awkward angle she was now in.

As soon as silence settled, she wrinkled her snout. Blue eyes moved to check on Shawchert visually and saw him there, head low and posture defeated. At least he didn't seem overly injured. She could see no blood, but that didn't mean Tharin was out of hot water with her just yet. That cold gaze snapped over to the non-luperci Gamma, contempt and anger flaring up, showing in her hackles as they pricked against the gripping hand of her alpha. She resisted the growl bubbling up into her throat, settling with a scowl and silent promises of pain and vengance, all visable through that cold stare, locked on Tharin like a target.

She didn't linger on him much longer. Her eyes peeked over to Zalen, eyebrows moving to match the direction of her stare. Her torn ears dropped behind her fur and tail tucked tighter. With the most childish of voices, she looked away with a scowl and a pout. "...Tharin started it." Anything to break the silence.


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