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Terra watched Trent, catching the sour features that flitted across his face. He felt his name was a burden, not a gift. It even came across in his words. Standing up she nuzzled against his legs, staring at the pups. They had stopped trying to climb out, with Ananse staring dolefully out at them and Loki sucking on his own tail. Gently she looked up at him, the sharp features that normally marked her carefree nature missing.

I like you as you are. You're funny. You have good curiosity, and you're gentle. They were just traits that she'd picked up, even if the only one that really held pull for her was how much entertainment he provided for her. He was curious though. He'd stayed and watched her dig her den, and come to visit the pups. The gentle part came from the simple knowledge that he was submissive, and fearful of hurting others. That had to count.


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