First Fall
He agreed easily with her words, Dalgina pushing her long hair away from her face so she could see better. He had rather nice features, his pale fur seeming almost transparent against his body. How old was he? His eyes appeared to have seen much. She couldn't ask, her tongue feeling heavy in her mouth. She smiled as he tipped his hat over to Tehu, even though the kestrel was almost out of sight. Dalgina wasn't sure if he would be safe to be trusted, but Tehu would be rude. It would be best if they were kept apart.

She nodded his head, listening to his words with curiosity. Where do you come from that writes like that? I don't really know how to write more than simple words, but it looks nothing like that. I grew up around here. It had been a good place to grow up, sparing the tragedies that threatened her life. She had good friends, a strong pack, and her art. Asking for her family to be trustworthy would be too much perhaps. She didn't know. Could you show me how?

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