Gray Goose
Edgar quietly sat on the roof of a small abandoned home that overlooked the ocean. The moon was right in front of him and stood out against the dark purple sky. The young boy nearly fell asleep when his companion flew towards him to sit by him again. She had gone out for a quick snack, the luperci wondered what she had found to eat since she had usually gotten her food from him. Edgar gently touched her feathers, he loved the texture of feathers. He closed his eyes as he began to draw the image of his bird flying in front of the moon; the feeling of her soft wing gave him a better idea of how to draw her. Minutes later the luperci opened his eyes and saw what he had drawn. No, that wasn't right. Her shape was all wrong. The male grabbed his pencil and erased what he had drawn, then he began to draw again; this time with his eyes open. Now for the second time Edgar took a look at what he had created, and he still wasn't too happy with how it looked. Frustrated, he grumpily crumbled up the paper and threw it off the edge of the roof. He could use someone to converse with.

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