[p] tonight we'll set the world on fire
(305) In the lovely lupus form! 8D and all I could think of was Katy Perry and P!nk songs for Ves and Aly, idk why. 8|

She let out a yapping laughter as she barreled her way into the undergrowth. The wordless screeching followed her, and she giggled as if she was a pup again when she felt a beak nip at her long ears, and burrowed her way deeper in the bushes, though she attempted to keep a little hole so that she could reach to take a playful snap at Macbeth when he tried to swoop for her.

She was not quite sure how they started this game of tag--she vaguely remembered the few moments that had passed before the the erupted. They had been talking about something that was faintly boring, probably hunting grounds around the neutral territories, when she accidentally shifted her shoulder to one side, and the once roosting magpie slid off in a humorous way. She gave a small chuckle, and the bird gave her a tiny poke of his claws, and she returned it with a nibble on his feathers. The cycle continued until she was where she was now, hiding behind her leafy shelter and popping up only to make an advancement, and then retreated back down before he could get his small talons on her.

The wild coywolf and magpie chase had lead them deeper into the woods, further into the unclaimed lands, but it mattered little to Alyssum. She felt like she needed an escape from all the formality that came with her position, and to have a playful moment with the otherwise stiff bag of feathers was relieving. She let out a breathy laugh and poked out once more, but noticed that Macbeth was no where in sight. She immediately suspected a sneak attack, and ducked back down, though her head still lingered at the top as she waited for any sign of the bird, her tail nosily wagging behind her.


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