[p] tonight we'll set the world on fire
(358) weeee fun! 8D

She was still as she peered into the trees as she searched for the figure, his tail waving stiffly behind her as she tried to quiet herself to, by chance, hear the slight of moving feathers. For a moment, she saw a dark shape, but it was above the tree line, and probably an unrelated presence to her game. So busy looking up, she forgot to check on her back, and was unprepared as the growl was sounded and she felt the pressure against her.

Her first thought was that she was being attacked. But, when they fell to the ground her quick-paced mind registered the growl as one of good nature, and the force on her did not move to harm her other than the tackle she was not made aware of until it happened. She greeted the "attacker" with a round of yipping that was almost akin to laughter, and rolled onto her back in an attempt to softly shove off the lightweight Centurion with her feet, though the motion was halfhearted and it wouldn't surprise Alyssum if Vesper barely budged. Her narrowed muzzle showed a flash of teeth, and she spoke, mockingly casual, as she stared into the pale eyes of the hybrid, "Fancy meetin' you here."

Flapping wings sounded from above, and she twisted her head to look at Macbeth, her vision flipped. "Thought I saw Coyote and Raven," he remarked distantly, though not in an unfriendly manner. "Caught Aly, it seem." This was spoken fondly, and gave a twittering that was a sign of amusement. The earthen hybrid just cracked a grin and looked back at Vesper. "So, how've you been Ves, besides pouncin' people? Some of the low speech I gave you helpin' out any perhaps?" She was mildly curious how the few words she showed her aided her in any way, which brought up a question in her mind.

"Where's that Stark, anyway? I'm sure Mac wouldn't have mind havin' a talk with him again." To this, the magpie was silent, but pretended he did not hear otherwise, preening some loose feathers from under a wing to occupy himself.


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