I want to say I love you, just one more time

He traveled up and up, to their meeting place, the place where he had met her the first time, and maybe for the last time. As he climbed, he caught her scent, and sped up his pace. He wanted to see her before all this, to remember that there was something to come back to, a life left for him to fight for, a future for both him and her, and their children not yet born. He wanted to be here, on this day. Luckily, he had calmed himself enough to get a restful sleep before all this.

"Asphyxia?" he called, emerging into their meeting place. He wanted to see her one last time, he wanted to tell her he would win, that things would be alright. That their children would come into a world that was safer. That much he could promise. Whether he won or lost, having Asmodai move on could only be a good thing. He had prayed hard to Fenrir that he would live to see his children. Above all other things, he wanted this.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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