[p] like anchors in hopeless waters
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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Thornbury, CdA

Date: 07 Sept

Weather: Overcast, cloudy, faintly foggy

Time: Pre-dusk


Vasiliy is by me!

It was late summer, and the early evening was wonderful this time of year. Vasiliy marveled in it -- the brief, lovely summer of his homeland could not compare to this. Surely he was a creature of winter and cold, but Vasiliy did not appreciate only the dark season. He was a lover of nature and therefore found the same joy in the throes of summer as he did the depths of winter. His dark-tipped ears pricked to listen to the crickets and he slowed his walk back to the village just to listen.

With most of the evening occupied by fishing, the dark-hued Russian had quite the catch. There was a large bass slung over his shoulder, an impressively-sized striper. It was the only thing he'd caught that day, but that was quite alright -- with a fish of this size, he'd have no problem making a meal and then some. Moving a little more quickly, the dark-hued man passed through the garden, carefully stepping around the plants as he went. He was still afraid of falling over or otherwise accidentally crushing them, and so took great care.

There were a few orange-yellow lights in the village -- candles or fires, Vasi could not be certain. For his part, he was rather quick to dip into the rear of his yard. The fish were cooked quickly enough, and Vasiliy returned to the front of his house, munching over the half of his meal he'd taken with him. He thought he might crack and taste one of the bottles he'd obtained by trade -- it was not a Sobirat'sya liquor night yet, though if he imbibed the trader's moonshine and found it wanting in proof, he might well end up opening a Sobirat'sya bottle.

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