[p] like anchors in hopeless waters

Robert huffed as he lifted another load of books from off his desk, and started to make his way across the bedroom with careful steps. Yesterday it came to his and Eclipse's minds that he was now, in the simplest of terms, living with the woman, and decided to start moving his things around after the initial surprise of their confessions settled down--starting with his books. He had begun to curse himself for being such a hoarder, and then not having the will to leave even one behind. He was not as big as a bookworm he once was, but it seemed he would never conform without his papers and novels.

He somehow managed to reach the front door of Eclipse's house, openning the door with a lack of finesse as he nearly smothered himself with the books he had shacked high when he fumbled with the knob, and after dumping the load of books next to another disheveled pile. He stood before his things and pushed a hand through his mane, rubbing the already tousled hair into another aimless direction. He began for the door once more to retrieve the last pile of the infernal deadweights when the overwhelming, potent smell of cooking fish came to him. At first, he ignored it, knowing that some packmate was enjoying their dinner, but for whatever reason he paused once he reached the road, looking down in the opposite direction of Skye's house, where the smell was coming from.

Maybe he wanted to delay his laborious work with the excuse of visiting a packmate, or perhaps he was truly curious of the strong, yet flavorful stench and it's maker. Robert did not even know his motivations himself. But, he walked down the street anyway, heading for the source of the smell. He noted the sun's position in the sky, and made a sticky note in his mind to keep this trip brief. A few minutes passed as he walked the small number of blocks, and peered at the wolf--he remembered him as man with the odd accent. "Hey, Vasiliy," he greeted once he was within earshot, offering a wave of his hand as well. Even when he somewhat knew the man from the voyage north, he felt no less awkward, yet willing to socialize this time instead of sulking like he had.


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