Saying hi to the neighbors
OOC: I think it's time I stop sulking and take a good walk around the caves. Had to cut it short due to low power level on iPad.

Lukos paced his barren house, thinking of things to do. Need too come up with something before I die of boredom.. He stopped and looked outside the window of his house. Hmm, don't really feel like practicing my archery. Gardens are boring. Already seen most of the park. I shouldn't bother Aeron, she's the new Angela and probably doesn't have the time. Lance is probably busy with something... That leaves one thing.

He leaned up on the closest wall, admitting defeat. "Visiting the caves.". His initial reluctance is due to him having a close call with Alaki on the training grounds, when he said the wrong thing to the wrong person. But he's not here, so I have no reason to worry. He stood up and walked out his front door. Looking up in the sky he smiled in spite of himself. Wonder what kind of people are there. He walked up the beaten path that led to his destination at an even pace. Guess I'm going to find out.

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